Empower The Vision In You Coaching Tip #3
December 2, 2018Empower The Vision In You Coaching Tip #5
December 5, 2018Hello, and welcome back to “Empower The Vision In You”coaching blogs. This is #4 in the series over a period of 30 days. Each one builds upon the one before it. My purpose in presenting these blogs is to take you step by step in the process of creating your life from the inside out– moving you from where you are to where you want to be. In addition, I include some words of wisdom that will help you along the way.
In the last coaching article, I gave you another exercise to help you design your Life Purpose Statement or Soul Sentence asking you to play it out in your mind. What would it look and feel like if you already experienced living your life in that way? You want to commit it to memory so that it becomes second nature to think about it–a habit, pattern or belief system.
It becomes what you think about. You become what you think about.
You can change the neural pathways to the brain through repetition. Not only that, because it is in the forefront of your mind, it creates an awareness in you. By that I mean that you become more aware of situations, possibilities, or opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Make sure that you emotionalize it. It will imprint much faster in your brain this way. Notice the good feeling it gives you. You want to feel good; because when you feel good, you put yourself in the vibration of receiving good things.
You are responsible for your life 100%. If there is anyone to blame for where you are or what direction your life takes–you are responsible. Why? Simply because you have your own mind and no one can control that but you. You ultimately decide. You are no longer going to”react” to situations and people. You will “act” choosing the best decision for you. No one can dictate your actions, you CREATE your life on your own terms.
For example, you can get upset or”react” when your day throws one bad catastrophe after another at you OR you can choose to stay calm “acting” and dealing with the situations alleviating unwanted stress and not allowing negative energy to perpetuate. When we stay on a negative wave length, more negativity comes our way creating the “snowball effect”. We can change how we feel about a situation in an instant and get on a more positive wave length which makes us feel good and gets rids of the negativity we feel. You can choose to look at things from a negative perspective or positive perspective. It is up to you.
It is wasted time and energy to feel negative about anything. Of course, we can’t always keep ourselves in a positive mindset, but we can tip the scale to the positive side and that is when more good starts to come into our lives because we are on the frequency or wave length to receive more good. It is the Law of Attraction at work.
Begin each day from here on out getting up in the morning and feeling grateful and positive for the new day. Think about all the good in your life and be grateful for it. Be grateful for what you have first and more of the same will come into your life. Again, it’s the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like.
Keep a little notebook by your bed and before you go to sleep, write down several good things that happened to you during the day. You will go to sleep in a positive frame of mind because you are feeling good.
Be on the lookout for tip #5 of Empower the Vision in You Coaching Series of blogs.