Empower The Vision In You Coaching Tip #1
November 30, 2018
Empower the Vision In You Coaching Tip #4
December 3, 2018
Hello, and welcome back to “Empower The Vision In You”coaching blogs. This is #3 in the series over a period of 30 days. Each one builds upon the one before it. My purpose in presenting these blogs is to take you step by step in the process of creating your life from the inside out– moving you from where you are to where you want to be. In addition, I include some words of wisdom that will help you along the way.
In the last blog I spoke about the difference between successful people and those who never rise above the ordinary. Next, I asked you what your purpose in life is and to write it down. If you couldn’t answer that question, I included a short exercise to help you find out. Lastly, you were to create a Life Purpose Statement or a Soul Sentence.
The Life Purpose Statement or Soul Sentence is important as you will run all your important decisions and choices by it before moving forward with your goal. If the decision or choice is in line with the statement or sentence then–it is something that you should do. If it isn’t, you need to go back and tweak it to become more in line with it OR think about making a different decision or choice.
It took me a while to develop my Life Purpose Statement which I ended up making into a Soul Sentence: It is the following: The purpose of my life is to create an abundance of love, happiness health, and wealth for myself and empower others to realize that they are meant to have the same.
If you are still having trouble designing or coming up with a life purpose statement or soul sentence, here is another exercise to help you with it. Remember writing it out is one of the keys to its success. Take out a sheet of paper and fold it into four sections. At the top of each section write the following words. Business (Career/Finances), Relationships (Family, Friends, Romance), Health (Spiritual, Emotional, Physical), and Time Management.
Now under each heading write what your ideal life would look in association with each of the four headings. Then, choose the one that is the most important for you.
Here is a personal example that I wrote on the most important section which for me is Health. “I get 6-8 hours of restful restorative sleep nightly. I exercise, mediate, read, and eat a healthy diet, to promote greater spiritual, emotional, and physical health”.
Next, I reduce it down and it would sound something like this: “I want a sound mind, body, and spirit as it is the key to having great physical and emotional health”.
Writing it out for each section will then allow you to have a foundation from which to condense it to one area to start. Remember, it should be representative of what you really want in life.
Commit your statement or sentence to memory. Imagine it in your mind and what it looks like. Play it out exactly how it feels using all the senses if you can. Feeling good is key here and of course you feel good when playing it out in your mind.
If you still need help with figuring out where to begin, you can download the free worksheets on my website by scrolling to where the Wheel of Life is and send an email so I can attach the free worksheets. They will help you to pinpoint an area where to start…
You are about to change your life if you are ready for it and willing to do the work. Be on the lookout for tip #4