Empower the Vision In You Coaching Tip #4
December 3, 2018Empower The Vision In You Coaching Tip #6
December 7, 2018Welcome back to “Empower The Vision In You” coaching series of blogs. This is #5 in the series over a 30-day period. Each one builds upon the one before it. My purpose in presenting these blogs is to take you step by step in the process of creating your life from the inside out moving you from where you are to where you want to be. Additionally, I include some words of wisdom that will help you along the way.
You should now have your Life Purpose Statement or Your Soul Sentence which you have committed to memory and repeat at least twice daily. I suggested that just before you go to bed to write down at least three things that happened during the day that you are grateful for. This is to get you in the feeling good vibration as you go to sleep as you are recalling positive events.
I’d like to go back and refer to the second coaching blog and the difference between successful people and those who never rise above the ordinary. I wrote about how successful people have a life purpose, goals, and action plans to get them from where they are to where they want to be. They gain the knowledge needed whether they enlist the service of others to help them or they learn on their own. Then they take that knowledge and put it into action.
I have a question for you. Why do you think that most people set a goal and never achieve it? Let’s say you make a New Year’s Resolution Goal and then decide to dismiss the goal and put it on the shelf until next year rolls around. I’ve done that many times. How about you? One common reason is because whatever the goal is, it is not wanted badly enough. Think about it. If you wanted to really achieve a goal and there was nothing that was going to get in your way, you would do everything in your power to get it-or go down trying.
Here is a personal example of what I mean by a burning desire of wanting to achieve a goal. I attended a workshop many years ago sponsored by the American School Counselors Association. One of the presentations was about play therapy and board games that counselors, therapists, and psychologists use to supplement their work with children. The most popular game at the time was The Talking, Feeling, and Doing Game invented by Dr. Richard Gardner. What sparked a flash in my mind was when the speaker said, “By the way, Dr. Gardner put his three daughters through college with the royalties earned from that game.”
There it was! When he said those words and out of nowhere and I didn’t know how it came into my mind at the time, I simply said to myself, “If he can do that, so can I. I’m inventing a board game.” (Of course, being a single parent of two children might have had something to do with the motivation and desire that I felt about it.)
I felt that nothing would stop me. I didn’t know anyone who invented a board game; I didn’t know what to do and how to do it. I just knew deep inside of myself that I was going to do it! for the very first time, I wrote a goal plan, made a vision board, and put them on the kitchen wall. That way I would see them when I came downstairs in the morning and see them as the last thing before going upstairs to bed–keeping it on the forefront of my mind. Long story short, I did invent a board game and then another–just to make sure that this goal planning thing wasn’t just a fluke. I had a burning desire and almost to the point of obsession to achieve that goal. If I can do it, so can you–whatever you choose from life.
Successful people don’t give up when the going gets tough. They are persistent-they stay tough and keep on keepin’ on. That is why I asked you to search inside of yourself and answer the question– What Do You Really Want? If the WHY isn’t big enough, the HOW to be, do, or have it isn’t going to present itself.
At first you don’t have to worry how you are going to achieve your goal; all you have to know is that you have made a definite decision. You have to want something very badly almost to the point of obsession and have strong faith and believe that you will have it. Making the decision means there is no turning back. There is no acceptance of “Impossible”. Erase that word from your vocabulary and replace with”Imagine”… and “What if…”
Until next time, I want you to feel the confidence and the knowing that you have made the decision, and you are willing to pay the price for what you want. There are no coincidences, and you don’t get something for nothing except if you are lucky in the probability and statistics of the toss.
YOU ARE CHANGING YOUR LIFE. IT IS COMING SOONER THAN YOU THINK. Be on the lookout for tip #6 in the coaching series of blogs, Empower the Vision in You.