We Know What We Want. Why Don’t We Have It?
November 29, 2018
Empower The Vision In You Coaching Tip #3
December 2, 2018
Welcome to”Empower the Vision in You” Coaching Series of blogs. My purpose is to take you step by step in the process of creating your life from the inside out–motivating and inspiring you to move forward from where you are to where you want to be. In addition, I include some words of wisdom that will help you along the way. My goal is to write a blog post each day or every other day for 30 days and encourage you to read them in succession as each one will build upon the previous one. By the time you are finished, you will have the knowledge, confidence and power so that you can charge into action and conquer obstacles clearing a path to a life filled with love, health, happiness, and abundance.
So let’s begin… Do you live your life with passion? Do you “act” or do you”react” to whatever comes your way? Do you settle for what is? Do you ever ask the burning question–What do I really want? Do you ever wonder where your life would take you if you made your choices and decisions without fear and self-doubt? It is our right to create our lives and not have it scripted for us. It is our right not to live in a form-fitting mold that may have evolved very subtly over time created by others or ourselves.
I’ve researched, studied,and have listened to some well-known trainers for some years and have read countless personal development books looking for answers. What I have learned is that the answers needed to live a life filled with love, happiness and abundance comes from within. Trusting intuitive or gut feelings when making any choice or decision will serve much better than looking for the answers externally outside of ourselves.
We have all made decisions and choices sometimes–knowing they just didn’t feel right–ignoring the uneasy warning signals the body sends both mentally and physically–not trusting the knowing that comes from within. Successful people and people who Live Above the Ordinary trust their intuition and knowing and act upon that. They have developed the “Awareness”or “Alertness” of trusting their feelings to let them know the right course of action and then act in line with them.
I have many favorite quotes but this one seems to sum it up quite nicely. It resonated with me and I never forgot it. It comes from Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles.
“According to an ancient legend, there was a time when ordinary people had access to all the knowledge of the gods. Yet time and again, they ignored this wisdom. One day, the gods grew tired of so freely giving a gift the people didn’t use, so they decided to hide this precious wisdom where only the most committed of seekers would discover it. They believed that if people had to work to find this wisdom, they would use it more carefully. One of the gods suggested that they bury it deep in the earth. No, the others said–too many people could easily dig down and find it.
Let’s put it in the deepest ocean”, suggested one of the gods, but that idea was also rejected. They knew that people would one day learn to dive and thus would find it too easily. One of the gods suggested hiding it on the highest mountaintop, but it was quickly agreed that people could climb mountains.
Finally, one of the wisest gods suggested, “Let’s hide it deep inside the people themselves.They’ll never think to look in there. And so it came to be–and so it continues today.”
The moral of that quote is that the power is inside each of us just waiting to outwardly reveal or show itself. Ponder on this a little and watch for tip #2 of Empower the Vision in You Coaching Series of blogs.