Empower the Vision In You Coaching Tip #11
December 17, 2018Empower the Vision in You Coaching Tip #13
December 21, 2018Welcome back to “Empower The Vision In You” coaching series of blogs. This is coaching tip #12 in a series of over 30 days. Each one builds upon the one before it.
In the last coaching article, I wrote about the conscious and the subconscious mind. They both are key in learning to reprogram your mind to think in ways that are positive and promote greater success in your life. The conscious mind is the gatekeeper of the subconscious mind. When it is off duty, anything can be impressed on the subconscious mind–good or bad. We want only positive, good impressions to pass through to the subconscious so being in a happy, positive frame of mind-feeling good is key. It is hard work to try to keep the negative out; but with repetition and practice, we can get good at it. It will change your life for the better and that is the goal
Today, I am writing about coaching tip #12, affirmations and how they are very powerful. When you change your negative self talk statements from negative to positive, you are in essence creating a positive affirmation. What is an affirmation? It is a statement of a positive action that is already completed. Let’s go back to the weight loss example of 20 lbs. It is a statement that describes what you look like after having lost the 20 lbs. “I am confidently wearing my gorgeous designer black dress, and as I sashay into the room, it is flowing and moving with me instead of me moving with it.”
You really just visualize yourself in the dress and describing the feeling it gives you.
Here are the steps to creating a good affirmation:
Always start with the words “I AM”.
Use the present tense which mean right in the present here and now. Of course, it is stated in the positive. Don’t make it too wordy and focus on specifics. Include descriptive and emotional or feeling words.
An example right now would be the following: “I am excitedly and enthusiastically reading this article and motivated to change my life right now today!”
Here are some weight loss affirmations I’d like to share since we used that example. Participants made these up at a workshop I presented and had the people attending keep these affirmations take them with them wherever they go. I put them on 2 by 1 inch cards so they could go in a pocket or wallet. Whenever they would feel down or feeling about to revert back to an old unproductive habit, they would whip them out and start repeating them:
“I am optimistically and excitedly rewarding myself for small positive steps.”
“I am releasing negative, discouraging thoughts regarding my weight.”
“I am systematically losing weight and keeping it off permanently.”
“I am forgiving myself when I make a mistake.”
“I am disciplining myself to exercise at least three times a week.”
“I am easily creating wonderful, delicious healthy foods to eat.”
“I am inspired to achieve my weight loss goals”.
“I am loving and smiling at the body I see in the mirror.”
In tip #2 I had you write out what an area of your life would look like if it were ideal. Take that area and write as many affirmations about it as you can.
Be on the lookout for tip #13.