Empower the Vision In You Coaching tip #10
December 15, 2018
Empower the Vision in You Coaching Tip #12
December 19, 2018Welcome back to “Empower The Vision In You” coaching series of blogs. This is coaching tip #11 in a series over a 30-day period. Each one builds upon the one before it.
In the last coaching article, I wrote about negative self talk and how it develops. I hope that you have started to create an awareness in you when it happens. We talk to ourselves throughout the day. Like Eckhart Tolle refers to it as, “the voice in the head” or Michael Singer calls it, “your inner roommate”.
When we don’t pay attention to the negative talk, we begin to think of ourselves in ways that create greater self-esteem and greater feelings of self-worth. It helps us to eliminate self-destructive behaviors. It enables us to move forward with greater ease. When we can be the observer of the voice instead of believing that it is “us”, we are able to remove ourselves from getting caught up in it. It is not easy, but it gets easier with practice.
You know that the negative self talk is the belief that you have about yourself that limits what you can be, do, or have. These beliefs are not reality but a culmination of your past conditioning and experiences. It is what holds you back.
What I am trying to do is arm you with enough power and information so that when I write about goal setting and action plans, you will be ready to move forward with more confidence, persistence, faith, and belief in yourself than you ever had before. You will move forward creating more harmony and balance in your life.
Today, I am writing about coaching tip #11, the conscious mind which is the thinking mind and the subconscious mind which is the feeling mind. The conscious mind deals with the outward whereas the subconscious deals with the inward. The conscious mind deals with the five senses and the power of reasoning and choice. It is where our “reasoning will” lives. It can connect to other minds. It is the guardian, keeper,and director of the subconscious mind. The conscious mind can prevent all negativity from entering into the subconscious mind if you can learn to control it. Think about that. You can control what comes into your mind! You don’t have to allow anything in there that you don’t want in there.
The subconscious mind is where your memory and beliefs are stored. It is the body of instinct and past reasoning will. It is the part of your mind whereby your involuntary actions like physical actions of your heart beating, breathing, walking, or lifting your arm. You do these things without thinking because they are automatic. Taking a shower, riding a bike, or typing on a typewriter are learned behaviors; and over time, you don’t have to think about to complete the action.
The good thing about habits is that we don’t have to think about them; and therefore, we free up our minds while our body is automatically performing many actions–most actions actually. The bad news is that there are some limiting habits that need to be reprogrammed in the brain resulting in more positive, productive behavior.
The exercise that I want you to do today is to write out as many bad habits that you have that you can think of. Next, write why you continue to do them–be honest here-what needs are being fulfilled? How are they serving you otherwise you wouldn’t have them, right? How effective are these habits in dealing with problems that you have?
Lastly, write some positive forms of an alternative behavior and then visualize the pleasure and happiness the new lifestyle change would bring. Visualization is key in this exercise. How does it feel?It makes you feel good and keeps you in the positive vibration to attract more good.
Be on the lookout for tip #12.