August 12, 2019Take Action. The Time Is Now.The written goal is a powerful first step to begin moving past the pain point or becoming “unstuck” after divorce. When you write a goal down, […]
July 14, 2019REALITY Is The Last Phase On Road Through Recovery After DivorceLast week, I wrote about the fourth phase on the Road Through Recovery after divorce. The first four are Rejection, Resentment, Renegotiation, and Remorse. You can […]
July 5, 2019Are You Stuck In The REMORSE Phase On The Road Through Recovery After Divorce?In previous blogs I wrote about the first three phases on the Road Through Recovery after divorce. The first phase is REJECTION and acts as a […]
June 30, 2019Are You Stuck In The RENEGOTIATION Phase On The Road Through Recovery After Divorce?The first phase is REJECTION. When experiencing it in a healthy way, it can act as a defense mechanism from the inevitable pain. The next phase […]
June 23, 2019Tips To Develop A Daily Empowerment Routine For Mind, Body and Spirit.You may have just gone through the life-changing trauma of divorce or you may have been divorced for a while. Your life has ended as you […]
June 14, 2019Are You Stuck In The Resentment Phase on the Road Through Recovery After Divorce?In the last blog, I wrote about REJECTION. It is the first phase. When experienced in a healthy way, is meant to act as a buffer […]