Vision Boarding Is A Sure Fire Strategy To Create Your Dreams
November 2, 2018“Intuition is our inner compass. Trust insight over logical, cogent thought. Inner wisdom points its finger in the right direction. Spirit speaks through intuition. Listen.” Donna McGoff, Life Coach
We have all made decisions and choices sometimes–knowing they just did not feel right. You know, ignoring the uneasy warning signals the body sends both mentally and physically–not having trusted the knowing or inner voice that comes from within. Wise people trust their intuition and act upon it swiftly and with confidence. They have developed the “Awareness” or “Alertness” of trusting their feelings to let them know the right course of action, and then act in line with that. You want to develop this inside of you.
Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles, uses a little story that sums it up quite nicely: “According to an ancient legend, there was a time when ordinary people had access to all the knowledge of the gods. Yet time and again, they ignored this wisdom. One day, the gods grew tired of so freely giving a gift the people didn’t use, so they decided to hide this precious wisdom where only the most committed of seekers would discover it.
They believed that if people had to work to find this wisdom, they would use it more carefully. One of the gods suggested that they bury it deep in the earth. No, the others said–too many people could easily dig down and find it. Let’s put it in the deepest ocean, suggested another, but that idea also rejected. They knew that people would one day learn to dive and thus would find it too easily. One of the gods suggested hiding it on the highest mountaintop, but it was quickly agreed that people could climb mountains. Finally, one of the wisest gods suggested hiding it deep inside of the people themselves. They will never think to look in there. And so it came to be–and so it continues today.”
Self-awareness is having a clear understanding of your character, which is comprised of strengths and weaknesses, opinions and principles, inspiration and feelings. As you develop greater self-awareness, you will begin to learn how to watch your thoughts and the way you interpret them. As a result, it will give you the power to change thoughts and behaviors, and the way you respond to them. With practice, you will learn to think and act more correctly–in line with what you do want instead of what you don’t.
Sometimes we are unaware of outside influences, conditioning, and circumstances that might get in the way of making choices and decisions that should be coming from a place of confidence and trust. As an exercise in self-awareness try this: We make decisions all the time. Throughout the day, try becoming aware of when you need to make one that is of some importance. Do you factor in what others would do or even think about the decision? If so, you are giving too much power to others as you even acknowledge how they make you feel. Learning to become more self-aware will enable you to begin to make more choices and decisions because they FEEL right to you.
The power is inside. It is the hunches, flashes, inspiration that doesn’t come in from the five sensory factors. Be still, listen, and trust that you will know the right course of action to take.
I’m Donna McGoff, Life Coach, and know that tapping into our intellectual faculties will help to achieve any goal desired. If you want to learn how to create more harmony and balance in your life, I can show you where to start. If you want to learn how to overcome the paradigm(s) that are holding you back from being, doing, and having what is desired from life, I can show you how.