Successful People Tap Into Mental Muscles–Six Intellectual Faculties to Achieve Any Goal Desired
November 29, 2018
Empower the Vision in You Coaching Tip #2
November 29, 2018Some of us are trapped in our own thoughts. It is likened to a mind prison with no way out. Oftentimes, insignificant situations can trigger negative emotions even when those trivial or inconsequential incidents don’t warrant such a reaction. Why? Old memories of past scars are brought back to life through association, and thought patterns become biased and inaccurate. Unfortunately, oftentimes they don’t represent the real reality of the situation. For example, knowing that you have to attend a social function next week may elicit some feelings of worry and anxiety.
You might say to yourself, “I feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable about attending this social event.”
Oftentimes, people acknowledge the feeling but don’t ask themselves why they are experiencing those emotions. They just accept it. Acknowledging the feeling is the first step in the right direction. Being aware that it is natural for the mind to bring up past associations to the event is the second step. But is it really necessary to allow the mind to wander to past memories of the same situation and the negative experiences that have occurred? One only gets sucked deeper and deeper into it; and as a result, one feels paralyzed to take positive action regarding the situation. Of course, it goes without saying that if it is a dangerous situation, the memory serves as a protector to alert us to potential threat.
Wouldn’t a better way of thinking be to say to yourself, “I am attending a social event next week and I anticipate that I will meet some interesting people and have some great conversation. Who knows? Maybe I will make a networking connection that might lead to a potential client for my business. Or perhaps I will meet someone who I might hit it off with; and in time, he or she will become a dear friend.”
Changing the thought processes or the mindset will automatically put you in a great vibration and positive emotional state. As a result, you will be surprised who and what you will attract to come into your life. It is all about the mind.
It is not necessary to go digging in the past. What is necessary is that one starts to live in the present. When one knows what the trigger of a negative reaction is, it can be broken—not with digging up the past but with changing thought processes for the future.
That is the beauty of coaching vs. counseling. Counseling has its place but sometimes one just has to identify the habit, pattern, or limiting belief and replace it with a new one. Coaching will move one forward instead of lurking around the past. Discovering the paradigm that triggers the negativity, one can begin to shift his or her mindset and replace the old thought pattern with a new one.
Discovering your limiting beliefs will allow you to change the neural pathways to the brain creating new, positive ones to put in their place.
With my help, you will learn how to break through the barrier that is holding you back. The sky will be the limit.