After divorce, once you disconnect enough from the past, you are able to concentrate on getting reacquainted with who you are now. You are different than […]
Reconnecting to yourself after experiencing hardship is vital on the road to recovery, but not many people know that. Several years ago, I was standing in […]
I found the divorce recovery cycle to be made up of five phases. Many people pass through each phase in order to process the trauma of divorce. As a result, they are ready in mind, body, and spirit to move on to rebuild a new life on their own terms. Here’s a brief description of each phase.
August 21, 2020
We’ve all make choices knowing they just don’t feel right. The ones we make, all the while, ignoring the uneasy warning signals the body sends both […]
The first step to recover and heal after divorce is to learn how to change your perspective so that you can then examine your self talk and limiting beliefs that you holding you back.